Thursday, March 13, 2008

Trying to De-thaw Plastic

So the other night at work, I was de-thawing breast milk, one of my regular jobs, and for some reason couldn't quite get the last of the dumb milk to de-thaw. Frozen breast milk is not pretty to look at because it kind of seperates out into different elements, thus I did not look into the container at the block of breats milk. Oh I mean human milk. I can't call it breast milk anymore, it is not politically correct. Anyways.. I continue to soak this container in hot water so that I could baby bar tend and mix the milk. As I kept coming back to it, it was still a frozen block. With a million other things going on, I didn't think about the time that this block of milk was taking to de-thaw. After a good couple of hours, I finally opened the stupid container. Oh whoops. It was a plastic lid sitting in there that I probably threw off the bigger container I was going to mix the stuff in. Apparently I got all the milk out I was going to get! As usual I burst out into laughter at myself, the other people in the room looked at me like I was crazy. I just went happily on my merry way, to take care of my starving baby. As I thought about it, I realized that trying to de-thaw a plastic lid was actually a good parallel to life. It's like beating a dead horse. You do the same thing over and over and over again, but the outcome never changes. You still have a stupid solid plastic lid. Does anyone relate?


Unknown said...

I love that you can philosophize (my word) on breast milk, oh pardon me, human milk. That's what night shift does to ya....

Janey said...

Jen, there is so much to say about Human Milk!