Saturday, July 26, 2008

Please Don't Come

Work has been emotional. Enough said.


Janey said...

This is what was left after I took everything confidential out of the original blog I wrote- wish I could say more

Unknown said...

This post (pre-edit) broke my heart. Seriously.

Janey said...

thanks for commenting! As John Mayer says... you got "my back" kind of love

Unknown said...

I do have your back. And since we haven't been getting many comments on our blogs except for each other, maybe we should just blog for each other, and have our own conversations through our blogs. I'm just sayin'....
P.S. I"m precepting a girl today who is really on top of things-it's so nice! And I have a coke date with Cheryl at 4pm, although I will be getting crystal light since i've already had my 32 ouncer and by the way they still don't have lemonade so I'm not well pleased.

Janey said...

yeah Im kind of thinking that we can forget the whole privacy thing because apparently it will still remain private!

suzi said...

I wish I would have caught the story "pre-confidentiality-edit" to know what happened. I'm sure as a nurse you come across all kinds of people, and I think nurses are angels in people's clothing. I can tell you are such a great nurse and those babies are lucky to have you there loving them!

holly said...

I read your blog!
I can't imagine the things you see and have to deal with. Those babies are lucky to have you as a nurse!